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Black Forest Cocktail

Updated: Jun 8

PH factor: 9.5



o 1 ounce Finlandia vodka

o 1 ounce Schladerer

Edel-Kirsch liqueur

o 1 ½ ounces Godiva

Chocolate liqueur

o ½ ounce Maraschino liqueur

o ½ ounce Tillen Farms Merry

Maraschino cherry juice

o ½ ounce cream


o whipped cream

o Tillen Farms Merry

Maraschino cherry


1. Shake cocktail ingredients

over ice.

2. Serve up in a martini glass.

3. Garnish with whipped

cream and cherry.


Is this:

A. Cocktail

B. Dessert

C. Dessert Cocktail

D. All of The Above

The answer is “D”. Definitely

“D”. Inspired by the cakes and

tortes of the great German

bakeries on Manhattan’s Upper

East Side.

. . .

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