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Bonnie Prince Charlie

Updated: Jun 17

PH factor: 8.5



o 2 ¼ ounces Chivas Regal scotch

or Hennessy VS Cognac

o ¾ ounce Drambuie

o ¾ ounce fresh lime juice


o lime wedge


1. Shake cocktail ingredients

over ice.

2. Serve up in a cocktail glass.

3. Garnish with a lime wedge.


There are a lot of cocktails with

this or similar names. We have

three of them. So, if it has

Cognac or scotch mixed with

Drambuie, we think the Prince

is “Bonnie”. If it has Drambuie,

St. Germain and champagne,

we think the Prince is “Bubbly”.

If it only has Drambuie and

champagne that to us is a

Culloden. Got it?

. . .

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