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Cherry Old-Fashioned Cocktail

Updated: Jun 4

PH factor: 8.0



o 2 ounces Heaven’s Door

Straight Rye whiskey

o ¾ ounce Schladerer

Edel-Kirsch liqueur

o ¼ ounce Simple Syrup

(see: Syrups etc.)

o 1 dash Hella Aromatic

bitters or to taste

o 1 dash Hella Orange bitters

or to taste


o Tillen Farms Merry

Maraschino cherry

o orange wedge


1. Stir cocktail ingredients

over ice in a mixing glass.

2. Strain into an ice-filled

double Old-Fashioned glass.

3. Garnish with cherry and

orange wedge.


Strong, as you might expect

from a Heaven’s Door cocktail.

Sweet from the Edel-Kirsch

and as bitter as you want it to

be. But be careful you are using

two bitters.

. . .

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