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Lady Macbeth’s Cup of Tea

Updated: Jun 17

PH factor: 9.0



o 2 ounces Johnnie Walker

Red Label scotch

o 2 ounces apple cider

o 1 ounce Earl Grey Simple

Syrup (see: Syrups etc.)

o ½ ounce fresh lemon juice

o hot water

o 3 ounces champagne or

sparkling wine


o lemon twist


1. Stir to combine first four

cocktail ingredients a mug.

2. Add hot water leaving

room for wine and stir.

3. Top with champagne or

sparkling wine.

4. Garnish with lemon twist.


“O well done! I commend your

pains; And everyone shall share i' the

gains; And now about the cauldron

sing, Live elves and fairies in a ring,

Enchanting all that you put in.”

Macbeth Act 4 Scene 1

. . .

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