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Tequila Mockingbird #2

Updated: Jun 8

PH factor: 9.0



o 2 ounces 1800 Silver tequila

o ½ ounce Crème de Menthe


o ½ ounce fresh lime juice

o 1 splash agave syrup


o mint sprig


1. Shake cocktail ingredients

over ice.

2. Serve up in a martini glass.

3. Garnish with mint sprig.


Drinks with this name can be

found in several books and in

various places on the internet.

They couldn’t be more different

from the shooter recipe found

in Tim Federle’s book “Tequila

Mockingbird”. Yes, this is minty

but not too. Sweet but not too.

Smooth but not too and still it's

the Tequila Mockingbird 2.

What’s in a name, indeed.

. . .

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